Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cardinal Addresses Youth Synod

We are now in the third week of the Youth Synod being held in Rome. Much discussion has taken place over a variety of issues, but Cardinal Robert Sarah spoke yesterday and he makes an awful lot of sense. "Do not water down Church teaching..." My thoughts, instead of attracting young people to the perennial beauty of Church teaching, we might do exact the opposite, drive them further away.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Cardinal Muller is bang on: Corruption of Doctrine Always Brings with it Corrpution of Morals

At a recent ordination to the priesthood, the former perfect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith gave a stunning homily about some things facing our Church. Many claim that the root problem of the present crisis is "clericalism." I say hog-wash. We need to call out the real problem - people have turned their backs on the Truth, and the Truth is not a thing but a person, Jesus Christ, who says, "I am the way, the truth, and the truth." Following Him is demanding. Remember the Cross! Too many of us desire, not the Way of the Cross, but the easy way of the world.

I hope you enjoy Cardinal Muller's homily. Lots of food for thought in it.

Monday, August 20, 2018

In the light of what is happening in the Church

These have been difficult days for our brothers and sisters in the faith south of the border, and elsewhere as a matter of fact. Much as been spoken and written about what should have been, could have been, and would have been. My advice, the leadership needs to speak up and speak out. This filth and rot needs to end NOW. Let us call what is happen exactly what it is SIN!

Friday, August 10, 2018

US Bishops Halts Communion Services

Finally, a bishop has come out with a statement halting "these so-called lay-presider" services with Holy Communion. I have been saying for years that in a lot of cases, there have been too may abuses.
I even heard once people telling a priest: "no need to travel bad roads, Father, sister's Mass will do just fine." The Holy Eucharist must be treated with the utmost respect and reverence. It its not meant to be trodded around town by every "Tom, Dick, and Jane."

Read more. I do hope this is the start of something very good.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

50 years on: Affirming and Celebrating Humane Vitae

July 25 marks the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter, Humane Vitae.
1968 was the beginning of a troubling time for both Church and society. Of course, one cannot really appreciate the beauty for something so controversial as this letter. Unfortunately, many disagreed with the encyclical, many dissented from it, many threw up their hands thinking that the Church was going to the "dogs", and some decided to give it time to really reflect on its beauty. George Weigel, a distinguished scholar, offers his take on this significant anniversary. We might wish to heed some of what he proposes.