Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Please share this with all your friends

I received this notice earlier today. I am posting it here due to its great importance. Please share with others.

Dear Brother Knights and friends of the Unborn,

I am forwarding this message of grave importance for the Unborn Child. Let us pray the Rosary to our Blessed Mother that the good people of Ireland will be ignited by the Holy Spirit to vote no against the resolution to amend their Constitution. It is bad enough that in Canada we have a Prime Minister who advocates pro-choice and believes in abortion even though there is no right to abortion under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This is very short notice but prayer has no time constraints. We have over 24 hours of prayer. Maybe we can start a prayer chain with the Rosary across our great land, which has been consecrated to our Blessed Mother. The month of May is dedicated to the Rosary. May Saint Patrick also remind the citizens of Ireland of God's love for them. Please share this with your friends.

Vivat Jesus and thankyou/merci beaucoup,
Graydon Nicholas

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