Monday, April 23, 2018

Feast of St. George

The veneration if Saint George began as early as the fourth century at Lydda in Palestine, where a church was built in his honour. From antiquity this veneration has spread throughout both the East and the West. Popular symbolism presents Saint John as a knight killing a dragon: the triumph of faith over the forces of evil. Born into an illustrious family in Cappadocia, at a young age he ministered during Emperor Diocletian's reign. When the emperor promulgated an edict against Christians, Saint George professed his faith publicly, for which he was martyred. He is the patron saint of England, Portugal, Germany, Aragon, Genoa, and Venice. He died in 303.

Extolling your might, O Lord,
we humbly implore You,
that, as Saint George imitated the Passion of the Lord,
so he may lead us ready help in our weakness.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

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