Friday, April 20, 2018

Vocation Sunday: April 22, 2018

Sunday, April 22 is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. As stated in the Ordo (i.e. The Liturgical Calendar 2017-2018 for Canada):

The Fourth Sunday of Easter, Christians are invited to reflect on the meaning of God's call and to pray for vocations. Christ, the Good Shepherd, continues to lead His people through His Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, and calls many to follow Him in this way. Priestly, diaconal, and religious vocations should be a constant concern in the heart's of God's people.

Do we still need good and holy priests today? Do monks, contemplatives and other religious men and women still play an important role in the Church?  I think you know the answer. So do not just pray. Encourage young men and women to respond generously to God's call. That is what a vocation is - a calling. God still calls. Is anyone listening?

I want to share an interesting article that I found the other day. This is something I have been saying for years: "The Goal of the Priesthood is to Get People to Heaven."

The Goal of Priesthood