Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Evengelization: What Does That Mean to Mr. and Mrs. Average Catholic?

There is much talk about the new evangelization these days throughout the Catholic world.

What exactly does that mean to us?

We really need to pay close attention to the mandate of Jesus: "Go out into the whole world ..." Mark 14:16.

Jesus is not an idea, a concept. He is a person. He is risen and alive!

We are called to enter into a relationship/an encounter with him, especially through Word and Sacrament.

Once that happens, we will truly want others to encounter the same joy we have, just as Pope Francis states in his first Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel)
Evangelii Gaudium

Evangelization is not a new concept (although unfortunately, Catholics seem to think it belongs to others besides us). Not at all! Evangelization is part of the Gospel mandate given to all of us.

The Sacred Scriptures and the constant magisterium (i.e., official teaching office of the Church) continually charge the whole Church to make Jesus known. This is especially true of the Second Vatican Council.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" in the work of evangelization. We all accomplish this in the small, ordinary situations of human life and interaction. 

Many opportunities have been missed!

We should not make the mandate of evangelization the agenda of a few. It is the work of us all in our own small ways, and always will be.

Stay tuned. This is just the trailer.

More posts on this important topic to follow.

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