Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saints of the Day for April 28

Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr
Saint Peter was born in 1803 in France and martyred on the island of Futuna when, because of his preaching, the chief’s son desired baptism. He is called the Apostle of Oceania and was the first martyr there. He belonged to the Society of Mary (Marists). He died in 1841.
Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest
Saint Louis was born in 1673 to a poor family at Montfort-La-Cane in Brittany. Ordained at twenty-seven, he was devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as illustrated by his book, The Secret of the Rosary, the first work to describe a method of praying the rosary. He founded an order of priests (Company of Mary) and a religious institute of women devoted to the poor (Congregation of the Daughters fo Divine Wisdom. He died in 1716.

Saint Gianna Molla, Wife, Mother, Doctor
Born on October 4, 1922
Died on April 28, 1962
Canonized on May 16, 2004

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla made a heroic choice, but it was something her family members and friends testified she prepared for every day of her life. Her heroic virtue, genuine holiness of life, selflessness, and quiet joy remind all of us that God entrusts us with a personal vocation. Each and every day presents us with choices that have the power to prepare us to take heroic action whenever it will be called for. We can do that, however, only if we surrender ourselves and what we desire to God and His will for us. This example of lay sanctity, lived in the Sacrament of Matrimony, as the Vatican Council II teaches, will encourage many Christians to seek God in holy Matrimony. The exemplary fame of Christian conduct, lived by Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is valid proof.
Prayer of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
Jesus, I promise You to submit myself to all that You permit to befall me,
make me only know Your will.
My most sweet Jesus, infinitely merciful God, most tender Father of souls,
and in a particular way of the most weak, most miserable, most infirm
which You carry with special tenderness between Your divine arms,
I come to You to ask You, through the love and merits of Your Sacred Heart,
the grace to comprehend and to do always Your holy will,
the grace to confide in You,
the grace to rest securely through time and eternity in Your loving divine arms.

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