Sunday, April 29, 2018

Saint Catherine of Siena

Although today, April 29, is the Fifth Sunday of Easter, it is also the feast day of one of the great women of the Church.

Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Saint Catherine was born in 1347 and was instrumental in the return of the Pope Gregory X! From Avignon to Rome. In both word and deed, she showed her love of God’s Church and the Roman Pontiff. Her short life is an example of courage. Imprinted with the stigmata, she died in Rome in 1380 at thirty-three. She was proclaimed patroness of Italy on June 18, 1939, and in 1970, Pope Paul VI proclaimed her a Doctor of the Church.


  1. “If you become all that you should be you would set the world on fire!”

    -Saint Catherine of Siena

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  3. With so much confusion in the world today about what a woman is (or ought to be), I thank Hod for the Catholic Church.

    Here in Saint John, Canada, I regularly rub shoulders with Sr. Vickers who is retired CEO of Saint Joseph’s hospital, one of the oldest in our country.

    Long before the rest of the world was paying attention the Catholics were entrusting women with leadership roles in education and health care. It’s a story too seldom told.
